Idaho Digital Learning Academy (IDLA)

There are several online driver ed classes available through the internet. Some even claim to be accepted by the State of Idaho. However, the only online driver education class accepted by the State of Idaho agencies is the Idaho Digital Learning Academy (IDLA). IDLA classes are only offered from September through April through the Preston School District.

Registration Steps

1. Register for your desired class session (Fall or Spring only for IDLA) through the Preston Driver Education website at Registration

2. Order a driving permit. The student and parent or legal guardian will need to go to the sheriff’s office at the courthouse. The official will need to witness the parent’s signature on the permit request form. Documents needed for a Permit.

3. Bring the receipt from the sheriff’s office to the Driver Education Director, Todd Coburn at Franklin County High School to get finish the sign up process for IDLA. Click here to make an appointment.


District Driving Instruction Fee = $225 Driving Permit Fee = $26.50 Overall Cost = $251.50

If the student is a Full Time Student in the Preston School District they can use Fast Forward Funds for the Instruction Fee.